Borrowing museum passes is restricted to adult Dumont cardholders with a library card in good standing (no overdue items or fines).
Patrons must have their library card and a $20.00 cash (exact) deposit to borrow museum passes.*
*Please read below to view a complete list of rules and restrictions for borrowing museum passes.
museum passes must be reserved in advance.
The Library cannot guarantee that a museum pass will be available for same-day borrowing. Reservations using the online system, available from the button below, must be made for same-day and future borrowing of all museum passes.
If you cannot access the online reservation system, you can call the Library at 201-384-2030 to reserve an item.
Please note:
Individuals must have their library card and a $20.00 cash (exact) deposit to check-out museum passes.
Deposits will be refunded if the museum pass is returned by the due date.
Returning a museum pass late will result in the deposit being forfeited.
If a patron loses the museum pass they have checked out, they will be billed the full replacement cost of the museum pass for that institution.
Museum passes are loaned for 3 days (including the check-out and return days), with no renewals.
Museum passes must be returned inside the Library at the Circulation Desk.
Individual museum passes are restricted to one per household, during a 30-day period.
Reservations will be automatically cancelled after 24 hours if the museum pass has not been checked out on the scheduled date.
Individuals are limited to making a maximum of 1 reservation per day, borrowing a maximum of 1 pass at a time, and having a maximum of 1 reservation at a time.
Vouchers for the American Museum of Natural History are restricted to 2 per month per household, and 4 per household per year.
American museum of natural history
Voucher Admission: Each voucher allows free admission to the permanent collection and one special exhibit or show of your choice. Visitors must make a reservation prior to their visit on the museum website.
Special instructions: 2 vouchers per household per month with a maximum of 4 vouchers per household per year. Once picked up, vouchers can be used anytime until the expiration date indicated on the voucher. Vouchers do not need to be returned to the library.
Pass Admission: 2 adults and 2 children.
Liberty science center
You must present your Dixon Homestead Library Card at the Box Office and get $3.00 off General Admission tickets -or- 10% off of membership.
Newark Museum of Art
Pass Admission: Each pass allows 2 adults and all children in the household. 10% off in the museum gift shop is also included with the pass.
Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center
Pass Admission: 2 adults and any children under 18.